Canton Church News

2021 At The Canton Church


In 2021, The Canton Church was able to resume our normal schedule of events. 

This year we had a lot of firsts:

  • Carrie Krause, founder of Baroque Montana in Bozeman, played her 1700's vintage violin at the Canton Church as part of her Historic Churches Tour
  • John Larsend, Laura Stevenson and Sam Goode played at the Canton Church for the second time - but the first time inside the Church
  • Judy Williams performed at the Canton Church as herself for the first time (she has performed as the Divine Bovines)
  • Patrick Plantenberg presented at the Canton Church for the first time talking about the Townsend Tree Board - their accomplishements and their challenges going forward

In addition, Tom and Joan Eliel with Gary Thule played at the Canton Church. Tom and Joan are great friends of the Canton Church and are a huge favorite of the Canton Church attendees.  EVERYONE looks forward to having Tom and Joan at the Canton Church!

Linda Huth made her second appearance at the Canton Church presenting her "Walk Down Mainstreet" about the historic buildings on Broadway in Townsend.  Linda is very popular at the Canton Church and always brings in a large crowd.

On October 24, 2021 Canton Church Restoration, Inc held the Annual Meeting/Dinner at the Legion Club.  Over 35 people attended the meeting that featured a presentation about growing up in the town of Canton by Gay Ann Masolo (Sullivan) and Terry Love (Sullivan). A Canton Church cooked meal of ribs, oven baked potatoes and green beans was served to the crowd.