2024 Schedule of Events:
June 14: Mary Bradford
June 28: Duane and Lauren Simonich
July 12: Duane Simonich and Kyle
July 26: Moonshiner Band
August 9: Ruby Valley Boys and Barb Wire
August 23: Linda Huth
The 2022 Seventh Grade History Field Trip was the 5th annual event (2020 was cancelled due to Covid 19) starting in 2017.
Canton Church Restoration, Inc. invites the seventh grade students to a history field trip at the Canton Church because the seventh grade students are studying Montana history.
History Teachers David Lawson and Tyler Price accompanied the students along with a cameo by Middle School Principal Brad Racht. Over 50 students made the trip.
The students were given a short presentation on the history of the Canton Church then a presentation on the history of Broadwater County focusing on the historic Communities and Towns in Broadwater County.
Afterwards Canton Church Restoration fed the attendees a hamburger/hotdog and chips, cookies and water lunch outside. Canton Church Neighbors Bob and Barb TooTell grilled and helped serve lunch to the students.
The students then visited the historic Saint Joseph Cemetery (the original Canton Valley Cemetery).
On the way back to town the students stopped a the historic Centerville Cemetery.
Links To previous FIeld Trips: